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THE Ultimate DSC


The Ultimate DSC has been designed to meet the most demanding measurement requirements of the market.

Based on the most innovative fundamental research, the Ultimate DSC’s heat sensors provide measurement sensitivity unmatched in the DSC world.  

The Ultimate DSC can measure transitions such as protein denaturation with small sample quantities and concentrations (from 10 µl up to 100 µl with a few mg/ml).

Its thermal stability due to the multi-stage control design allows it to meet the most complex applications in materials characterisation. 

Its temperature range allows the measurement of heat effects even at low temperatures, such as phase transitions at -50°C.

The Ultimate DSC uses extractable crucibles, facilitating its use for protein characterisation. The volumes of these crucibles will save large quantities of very expensive samples.

The Ultimate DSC is also used with solid samples in powder or non-powder form and will allow measurement of effects that current DSCs on the market cannot achieve due to their manufacturing technology.


The Ultimate DSC is a real revolution in the frozen world of DSC.


  • Répétabilité de base :

    1 μCal/°C 2

  • Temps de réponse :

    5s 2

  • Plusieurs modes de rétroaction :

    Oui (passif, gain élevé et gain faible)

  • Température royannante :

    2°C à 130°C 2, 5

  • Programme de nettoyage :

    3 modes préprogrammés

  • Produits de nettoyage :

    Eau et détergent utilisés en standard


Utlmate DSC, the most sensitive DSC on the market

Click on the link below to download our Ultimate DSC brochure.

Unfolding of bovine pancreas RNase.

The Ultimate DSC can be used to measure the enthalpy and denaturation temperature of RNase using masses between 200 and 10 µg, for volumes between 50 and 80µl.

Unfolding of lysozyme.

The Ultimate DSC measures the enthalpy and denaturation temperature of lysozyme using 5 to 10 times less sample than instruments currently on the market, less sample than instruments currently on the market.